


Our Staff






Mission Statement


Upwell Methodist Church believes we have a call to be God’s people, sharing God’s love, especially in the Upwell area, as part of The Fens Circuit, East Anglia District, Methodist Church in Britain.

We will respond to that call through our Methodist Way of Life, as together we respond to the Gospel of God’s love in Christ and live out our discipleship in worship and mission.



During the 2023-24 Connexional Year, Upwell Methodist Church will:

Celebrate with and pray regularly for the variety of works of mission, ministry and evangelism that are done in our building as community outreach programmes, especially with vulnerable children, teens, and senior adults.

Host for the community (to the best of our ability considering current Covid safety needs) the following missional and evangelistic outreach events: weekday Coffee Mornings, monthly “Come As You Are” discussion group/Bible study, seasonal Arts & Crafts Fairs, Girls Brigade on Friday evenings, Scouting groups on Wednesday evenings, and Upwell Academy concerts, at the request of the Headteacher.

Seek to abide by all current Safeguarding and Risk Assessment requirements, so all can know Upwell Methodist Church, inside and outside, as a safe environment.

Write a positive article about our church in each edition of the Circuit magazine, The Fulcrum, and in the parish magazine (when it restarts).

Ask Upwell Academy what needs they have that we might be able to help meet.

Keep the outside and inside notice boards up to date.

Encourage regular attenders to become members.

Maintain and strengthen the “Churches Together” relationship with St Peter’s, through at least the following: Messy Church; shared services for Remembrance Sunday, Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, World Day of Prayer, and Holy Week.

Continue to think of new ways to invite the non-church community to join us in the Methodist Way of Life, to join us for worship, mission, and evangelistic community outreach.

Listen continually for current community needs and discuss at least at Church Council meetings how Upwell Methodist Church might be able to help.

Seek ways to be an Eco Church, in keeping with current District and Connexional advice.

Register Upwell Methodist Church as a place of religious worship for the solemnisation of all Marriages, under Sections 41 and 43 of the Marriage Act 1949, and authorise our minister in pastoral charge to be present at the solemnisation of all such marriages, including same-sex couples.